How would you like to train FREE for 6 months?
You have the opportunity to train for FREE for up to 6 months when you share your story of
-pain-free movement
-increased strength
-increased flexibility
-better balance
-more energy
-clothes fitting better
-needing new clothes
-increased confidence
-weight loss
-inches lost
-etc, with others who are amazed by your PROGRESS!
We have been looking at many different advertising options and we decided that YOU are the best form of advertising we have. It always comes back to word of mouth. You are walking billboards. I don’t know any other way to say it. Your success has made us a success.
People are amazed by each and everyone that trains at FIREBELLZ. They want your RESULTS! Our focus is maintaining the quality instruction and professionalism that we are known for. We will also ensure a safe, FUN and effective training experience. We will leave the advertising up to YOU!
This is our way to give back to those members that have made a commitment to training at FIREBELLZ long term, they agree with our philosophy and methodology because it works. Our members work hard day in and day out and share their stories of PROGRESS and SUCCESS with others on a daily basis. That is what brings people in ready to make a change and work for DRAMATIC RESULTS.
Each time YOU refer a NEW member to the FIREBELLZ Body Transformation Contest you will receive credit toward UNLIMITED training. The referral credit compounds with each group of 3. You are able to redeem the UNLIMITED training credit when your referrals reach 3, 6 or 9. You have 12 months from your first referral to build up credit.
Refer 3 people to the BTC and you will receive 1-month UNLIMITED training-$150 Value
Refer 6 people to the BTC and you will receive 3 months UNLIMITED training-$450 Value
Refer 9 people to the BTC and you will receive 6 months UNLIMITED training-$900 Value
Contact us and let us know you are sending someone in to sign up for the BTC and tell them to mention your name at the time of sale.
The credit/offer expires 12 months after 1st referral.
No self-referrals.
We will not backdate any referrals.